Cause for Paws
of Minnesota
Cause for Paws MN
PO Box 130472
Roseville, MN 55113
952-259-1483 (Voicemail)
Additional Foster Homes are Needed
Do you have extra time and space in your home and life?
Enjoy the company of cats?
Have cat experience?
Cause for Paws is an all-volunteer, foster home-based cat rescue and cat adoption organization, established in 1998. All Cause for Paws cats are housed in volunteer foster homes until they are adopted.
We are always looking for loving homes like yours to continue helping these cats until they can find a permanent home.
What is the role of a foster parent?
Foster responsibilities include socializing the foster cat, keeping the foster cat indoors only, bringing the foster cat to their scheduled vet appointments at our partner vet clinics, bringing the foster cat to adoption days (usually the Petco stores in Blaine and Roseville) or the cat adoption kennels at the Petco stores in Roseville, and providing photos and realistic personality profiles for the Cause for Paws website and Facebook. Submit short updates and pictures on how the animal is doing and if there are changes in temperament or behavior.
Can I become a foster volunteer if I have pets of my own?
Yes, we welcome pet owners as foster volunteers. Please keep in mind that cats and kittens should be kept separate from your pets until they are ready to be safely introduced. There is always a health risk when exposing your pets to other animals, in any setting. However, the risk is minimal if your pets are vaccinated and in good health.
How long do cats need to stay in foster care?
All foster cats receive veterinary examinations at one of our partner clinics. This includes Felv/FIV testing, spay or neuter surgery, vaccinations, flea prevention, deworming, and microchipping. Most cats need just the basics but some of our cats are in need of more extensive medical care (e.g., amputation, dentals)
Our cats remain in foster homes until they are adopted. Some are adopted quickly and some can take several months before they find their home. They are in their foster home for a minimum of 30 days before being available for adoption. All cats and kittens must be spayed or neutered prior to being adopted.
What expenses are involved with foster care?
Foster families provide housing, socialization, playtime, and lots of love. Cause for Paws pays for all medical care for these foster cats as provided by our partner veterinary clinics. Supplies are provided; however, foster homes are welcome to provide their own supplies too (foster supply costs are tax deductible).
If you are interested in joining the Cause for Paws foster volunteers, please fill out and submit the Foster Care form by clicking the button below. You can also email us at cause4paws@hotmail.com, leave a message on our voicemail at 952-259-1483, or stop by and talk to us at one of our cat adoption days.
We would love to meet you and discuss opportunities.

Foster kitty Groot found at two days old and saved by our bottle baby foster.

Binx is a former foster cat who
has been adopted.
Cause for Paws, PO Box 130472, Roseville, MN 55113
Voicemail: 952-259-1483 Website: www.causeforpawsmn.org Email: cause4paws@hotmail.com
Thank you

Thank you for your interest in fostering. At this time, we are not accepting more applications. Please check back at a later date or feel free to reach out to other rescue groups for fostering opportunities.
Your support is greatly appreciated!
Currently, we are not accepting applications for foster care
Foster Homes